The nutritional values of black soldier fly larvae have been studied extensively for exotic pets/reptiles, herps, hens, fish, and other species for many years and are pretty unique and amazing. Lauric Acid makes up over half of the Black Soldier Fly Larvae’s fat content. This good fat with strong antimicrobial properties helps prevent and/or fight bacterial and other infections such as Clostridium and Coccidia two very common and sometimes deadly health issues with reptiles/herps.
The Calcium: Phosphorus ratio is approximately 1.43: 1 virtually ideal for most amphibians and reptiles. Poor calcium: phosphorus ratio is the main reason for calcium supplementation but dusting is not required when feeding Black Soldier Fly Larvae! The calcium content of Soldier Fly larvae is up to 8,000ppm as opposed to between 20 and 135ppm in mealworms and crickets. Black Soldier Fly Larvae protein and fat levels are 17.3% and 9.4% respectively. When fed to gravid females, Black Soldier Fly Larvae increase clutch size and health of hatchlings and aid in the female’s recovery. Additionally, when fed to juveniles, this wonderful staple food can boost growth by up to 30%! They are soft-bodied, so there is no fear of impaction.
Black Soldier Fly Larvae can be kept at room temperature for extended periods or even longer in cooler conditions (50 to 65F). They do not make noise and do not need to be fed.
When you get the larger Black Soldier Fly Larvae, you will find that they are mostly immobile due to the fact that they have reached the 5th stage and are nearing the pupa stage (where they will be dormant for 4-10 days) and then the Black soldier Fly will emerge. These larger larvae are at their highest level of Calcium in their entire life-cycle (preparing for the pupa stage) and are extremely good feeder insects to offer with your pet’s other favorite live insects.
The Black Soldier Fly has no mouth – does not eat – and only exists to mate and lay eggs (3-4 days max life span) and these are very good for your pets to chase as they will get some beneficial exercise while chasing their dinner!
Black Soldier Fly Larvae are reared on a specially enriched grain-based diet that ensures a ‘naturally’ high calcium content. They are packaged in a sealed container for convenience and long shelf life. No feeding is required. Keep them sealed in the original container at room temperature and they will stay vigorous for weeks in the non-food packing media.
Black Soldier Fly Larva are also sold under the brand names Pheonix Worms, and ReptiWorms.
Information here is sourced from ReptiWorms.
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