Chef Canine Frozen Beef Rib Medium


Made and Sourced in Quebec

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Ingredients: Quebec Prime Rib

Choose a bone that is bigger than your dog’s mouth. Too small there is a risk that the dog swallows it whole or even suffocation.

NEVER cook the bones… ALWAYS give them raw

The bone should be eaten away and not broken and swallowed. If the animal breaks the bone you must remove it and find a bone it cannot break. The goal is that he eats.

Always watch the animal when it chews on a bone. Do not leave the bone with your pet when you are not there to supervise it.

If your dog vomits after eating bones, or if he has difficulty defecating, or has diarrhea, you will need to re-evaluate the bones you give him and the frequency of these.

Introduce raw bones

Please introduce raw bones gradually. At first, give the bone to your dog for a period of 15 to 30 minutes and put the bone back in the freezer afterwards. This will reduce the risk of digestive problems giving it time to get used to it.