We have had allot of people reaching out asking how the current COVID-19 pandemic would impact our business and deliveries. Below is a small FAQ we have started in relation to questions we have received. While these changes may seem extreme we want to ensure safety for both customers and drivers.
We will continue to update this page as questions come in, however for the most up to date information be sure to follow our Facebook Page.
Will we be closing during the Pandemic?
We have no intention of closing during the pandemic. We will continue to operate with minor changes unless the situation changes.
Pet stores (and our suppliers) are considered an Essential service buy the Ontario Goverment. Unless this changes (which is not expected) we will continue to be open,
Operating Hours
**UPDATED APRIL 4, 2020**
In order to maintain our phyiscal and mental well being, we will be making a slight change to our operating hours. This will impact (when we answer the phone, Facebook Messages and Emails.
Monday 9-6pm
Tuesday 9-6pm
Wednesday 9-9pm
Thursday 9-9pm
Friday 9-6pm
Sat/Sun- Closed.
Order Cut Off times
**UPDATED APRIL 21, 2021**
In order to maintain a quality level of service our customers expect we will be implimenting the following order cut off times during the current scenario.
Local Deliveries (Ottawa, Gatinea, Rockland, Kingston, West Carelton)
Wednesday Deliveries – 6pm Tuesday
Thursday Deliveries – 6pm Wednesdays
Friday Deliveries 6pm Thursdays
Canada Wide Shipping
Confirmation and all payments must be received before the times listed below:
Wednesday Shipments — 6pm Tuesday
New Precautions relating to COVID-19
While we continue to operate we will be making several changes as a precaution.
We are temporarily going to stop accepting payments at the door. All orders must be pre-paid. Orders can be paid in advance via Credit Card or EMT (e-Transfer). If you have any questions regarding this please let us know.
“Knock and Drop” deliveries, too your door deliveries will continue in Ottawa, Gatineau, Rockland, and our Kingston route. However we will now be using a ‘knock and drop’ method for deliveries to limit exposure for both our customers and drivers. This means that drivers will knock/ring to ensure your home and leave your order on the door step.
Appartment/Condo Deliveries, for customers living in Appartments or Condo with a buzzer/ringer for access customers will be rung/buzzed to inform them that the driver is on site. Delivery can then be picked up in the enterence way. We will ask that our drivers remain on site until delivery is received to ensure delivery.
Canada Wide Shipping
**UPDATED APRIL 4, 2020**
We do not expect any changes to shipments unless Purolator/UPS/FedEx stop accepting packages. Shipments will be sent out on Wednesdays due to some couriers reporting delays in delivery.
Donations to Ottawa Food Bank
**UPDATED APRIL 4, 2020**
We will now be giving customers the option of rounding up there order to the nearest dollar and donating to the Ottawa Food Bank.
More information
For more information be sure to follow reliable information sources. Below are links to information available from Government of Canada as well as regional Public Health offices.
National – Public Health – Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Updates (